Mi-Voice MIC News

MIC President & Deputy comes to the aid of Malaysians stranded in Indian airports

KUALA LUMPUR, Mar 18: MIC President Tan Sri SA Vigneswaran and his deputy Datuk Seri M. Saravanan are extending the necessary assistance to the Malaysians who are stranded at Indian airports due to the Indian Government’s decision to cancel inbound and outbound flights of Covid-19 affected countries – Malaysia, Afghanistan and Philippines.

Tan Sri SA Vigneswaran, who is also the senate President has contacted the Malaysian Consulate in Chennai and have requested their immediate action to attend the needs of the Malaysians at the airports in Chennai and Trichy.

Meanwhile, Datuk Seri Saravanan, who is also the Minister of Human Resources has made arrangements through his contacts in Trichy to arrange accommodation and meals for the Malaysians until the issue is resolved.

MIC through the Malaysian government will liaise with India to ensure the welbeing of the stranded Malaysians and initiate to bring them home at the earliest. Meanwhile, all necessary efforts will be taken to ensure their welfare and safety while at India.