Our deepest condolences to the family and friends of Tan Sri Datuk G. Gnanalingam, founder and chairman of Westports Holdings Bhd on his demise. May his soul...
Mengikut keputusan sebulat suara Mesyuarat Jawatankuasa Kerja Pusat ( CWC) Malaysian Indian Congress ( MIC) yang telah diadakan pada 30-6-2023, parti MIC tidak...
YBhg Tan Sri SA Vigneswaran, President of MIC chaired the Malaysian Indian Congress Central Working Committee (CWC) Emergency Meeting at the MIC Headquarters...
தந்தை மகற்காற்றும் நன்றி அவையத்து முந்தி யிருப்பச் செயல்இனிய தந்தையர் தின வாழ்த்துகள்Fathers are our pillars of support. In their own special ways, fathers...
Our deepest sympathy & condolences to the family & friends of Datin Paduka A.Mangalam@ MALAYSIA MOTHER TERESA , Co Founder and the life Chairman of the...