Mi-Voice MIC News


Press Release on DUPP Chief Datuk Ahmad Yahaya statement in regards to Muslim Prayer recital at MIC ground-breaking ceremony.

In regards to an article published by Focus Malaysia titled “PAS cries foul over viral video of MIC function commencing with ‘al-Fatihah’ verse recital followed by Muslim prayers.” on 23rd August 2023, we would like to clarify that the subject matter has been taken out of context.

The Malaysian Indian Congress is a political party that represents the Indian community irrespective of their religious beliefs. The MIC groundbreaking ceremony for the new MIC Headquarters Complex is a milestone for the party and the community. As we are all aware, the Indian community comprises of Hindus, Muslims, and Christians. We held prayers for this building project to take off well. Apart from Hindu prayers, we also held prayers by the Muslims and Christians as the community is comprised of Indian Muslims and Indian Christians too. All this prayers was done for the groundbreaking ceremony.

Our intention was pure and there was no intention to mock or insult as claimed by DUPP Chief Datuk Ahmad Yahaya in Harakah Daily. Malaysia remains a harmonious country with all religious beliefs well respected by all quarters. MIC and the community wanted the project to take off well and it will not be just our new building complex but it will also be the ground-breaking for the party and the Indian community’s future direction.

One of Malaysia’s values is to exemplify courteous behaviour to the richness of tradition, celebrating pluralism and MIC has well projected these ideal values.

Thinalan Dato T Rajagopalu
MIC National Information Chief