Mi-Voice MIC News

Quit seeking cheap publicity on matters concerning the Malaysian Indian community.

The Indian-based businesses in the country involving barbers, goldsmiths, and textiles have been badly hit due to the lack of workers to run their businesses. For the past 9 months, through many platforms and requests, no action has been taken to find a solution, and many businesses have winded up. Many concerned quarters have been continuously raising the issue, but MIC have been the most aggressive in seeking a solution.

During the officiation of Lestari Niaga in Brickfields yesterday which was attended by the Prime Minister, MIC Deputy President Datuk Seri M. Saravanan raised the issue in his speech reiterating how Tun Samy Vellu had made the same request before and was approved by Dato’ Sri Anwar Ibrahim who was the Finance Minister then. A humble request was made again yesterday to give due consideration as the businesses in these sectors were badly affected and struggling to survive.

In response, the Prime Minister had agreed for half of the total number of applications received to be approved. The Prime Minister also believes that we must find a long-term solution via Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVet) institutions, by providing start-up capital through Modal Tekun. YAB Dato’ Sri Anwar Ibrahim had instructed the Human Resources Minister to bring this matter to the cabinet meeting on Friday. It was clear that Datuk Seri M. Saravanan’s request was immediately given a solution by the Prime Minister.

What baffles us is a press meeting scheduled by YB Senator Saraswathy Kandasami, Deputy Minister of Entrepreneur and Cooperatives Development, in regards to the foreign worker’s approval for the textile, goldsmith, and barber industries, who is openly seeking cheap publicity over a matter that is not in her ministry’s jurisdiction. It would only make sense for the Home Ministry or the Human Resources Ministry to give everyone a clarification of the steps ahead upon the directives given by the Prime Minister yesterday. The need to have a press meeting to justify that they too have worked on the solution is seen as childish and unprofessional.

These moves are seen as desperate and we can only suggest that anyone is welcome to bring forward solutions to the problems faced by the community, but it does not have to be claimed at the expense of another person’s effort. MIC will continuously stand with the community through thick and thin and we will move forward together for a better Malaysia.