Mi-Voice MIC News

High Commissioner of Pakistan to Malaysia, paid a courtesy visit on Prime Minsiter’s Special Envoy to India and South Asia

H. E Ms. Amna Baloch, High Commissioner of Pakistan to Malaysia, paid a courtesy visit on Prime Minsiter’s Special Envoy to India and South Asia, His Excellency Tan Sri Dato’ Sri SA Vigneswaran. The High Commissioner was accompanied by Mr. Muhammad Adil, First Secretary of the High Commission and Mr. Yasir Kayani, Counsellor.

Malaysia and Pakistan established diplomatic relations in 1957. At the meeting, both the High Commissioner and the Special Envoy, exchanged views on strengthening bilateral cooperation between both countries. The High Commissioner agreed on the importance of re-energizing the relations between Malaysia and Pakistan.

Taking into consideration, 65 years’ of cordial bilateral relationship between both countries, the Prime Minister’s Special Envoy expressed that Malaysia is looking forward to further strengthen Malaysia’s economic ties with Pakistan. Malaysia believes that there is potential for further expansion of economic, trade and investment cooperation between both countries. For instance, Pakistan has a huge potential as a halal hub in the South Asian region due to its large population of 230 million people. And Malaysia has the relevant expertise to assist Pakistan to fully exploit its huge potential in halal food industry.

Based on this understanding, Malaysia is committed at working toward closer relations and better understanding of the region, and wherever possible, making contributions to the stability and development of this region especially in the form of humanitarian assistance. In fact, Pakistan lauded Malaysia’s humanitarian efforts and initiatives in Afghanistan.

The High Commissioner also highlighted that a number of Memorandum of Understanding (MoUs), mutually beneficial areas of cooperation that needs to be expedited. Tan Sri offered his help to facilitate few pending MOUs that has been delayed far too long.

Tan Sri before ending the meeting suggested the High Commissioner to meet up with our Senators, whom can be helpful in the High Commission dealings with our Foreign Ministry or any other governmental agencies. He further reiterated that although foreign policy and state diplomacy has been the domain of the Executive branch of the government but the Senators of our Dewan Negara, can indeed play a viable role as a second track channel in strengthening state bilateral or multilateral diplomatic relations.