Maju Institute of Educational Development

The Maju Institute of Educational Development (MIED) was established in 1984 as a private, non-profitable organization that administers an Education Loan Programme to help students and families who are not able to achieve their life-long ambitions pay for education beyond high school. MIED has tremendously contributed to the educational and career dreams of needy and well-deserving students. Since its humble beginning in 1984, MIED has carved a niche for itself as an organization that serves the community.
AIMST University

AIMST University is registered with the Ministry of Higher Education, Government of Malaysia, as a tertiary educational institute under Sections 38 and 39 of the Private Higher Educational Institutions Act of 1996. It formally began its operations on 30 October 2001, coinciding with its registration with the Department of Private Education under the Ministry of Higher Education. Imbued with the vision of its founders, AIMST aims to be a premier private sector university in the country and region catering to the needs of local and international students in providing quality technical education at an affordable price.
TAFE College

TAFE College was established in 1988 by the Maju Institute of Educational Development (M.I.E.D), with the aim of providing affordable high-quality technical and professional education for Malaysians and foreign students. A multi-million ringgit technical institution, TAFE College is situated on a 10-acre site approximately 60 kilometers south of Kuala Lumpur.
Koperasi NLFCS
The economic scenario of the post-independence era in the ’60s created a situation where unemployment and eviction from homes occurred when European-owned rubber estates were sold to locals who in turn fragmented and sold them for profit.
In an effort to rectify the problem which resulted from fragmentation of estates, the Malaysian Indian Congress, spearheaded by the late Tun Dr. V.T. Sambanthan, and some concerned citizens, established the NLFCS to provide an opportunity for land ownership among estate workers.
Yayasan Strategik Sosial

Yayasan Strategik Sosial was formed in 1998 with two main objectives. First, it would undertake systematic research and strategic planning on issues related to social problems affecting the Malaysian Indian community. Second, it would draw up and implement services and programs towards the social upliftment of needy and marginalized members of the Indian community. The services and projects would be geared towards helping individuals, families, and communities, and providing opportunities for the poor and needy to uplift themselves.