Vernacular schools will continue to operate in Malaysia as the Federal Court dismissed two NGOs bid for leave to appeal to nullify the validity of the Tamil and Chinese schools.
A three-person Federal Court bench, in a 2-1 majority, denied leave to appeal to Federal Court as the Applicants did not fulfill the threshold for Section 96 of the Court of Judicature Act to warrant discretion of Federal Court to be exercised in allowing the leave to appeal.
The application for leave to appeal was filed by the Applicants after the Court of Appeal on 23rd November 2023 unanimously held that vernacular schools are constitutional.
In the court of Appeal’s decision, Justice Azizul said vernacular schools were not a public authority and, as such, the use of Tamil and Mandarin languages as the medium of instruction for teaching in those schools was constitutional.
MIC was the 4th Respondent in the suit and was represented by the law firm Messrs Vas & Co. The hearing of the leave application was attended by Mr Edmund Milkiu and Ms Nievanee Ravindran together with pupil in chambers, Ms Yagasri Ravi.

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